
Welcome one and all exclusively to Musings on Tap! Our doctrine is that all thought is free thought (we even share tea;)). Download at your leisure and be comforted that ideas will never die. The purpose is to incite thought and revolutionize ideas. We, the authors, yet never finishers, share different perspectives on life and so this blog will indeed be two-dimensional. Topics will be humorous and perhaps quite silly. Topics will be serious and perhaps quite morbid. Sentences will even contain unparalleled parallel structure. Oh and we cater:).

Friday, April 6, 2012

The One Where Mi Interviews De

Hey everyone, De here. Awhile ago, Mi was kind enough to submit himself to my interview questions and did so with grace and candidness. So if you've ever asked yourself, "What is a De?", this is your answer.

1) Where are you from? How does this shape who you are?

I lived in Kenosha as an infant, but I was born in Rockford, because of a car accident. I don't believe where I was born or raised has been especially significant in shaping the person I've become, but I think the car accident has. The day I was born, my father and my pregnant mother were in a car accident and as one might expect, there was immediate concern after the accident for my mother and myself. After the doctor's examined my mother, they discovered I was in distress since before the accident and needed to be delivered promptly via C-section. The doctor's told my mother after my birth, had it not been for the accident, my distress could have gone undiscovered and resulted in my death.

I don't remember if I experienced some sort of instant revelation after hearing this story for the first time. Honestly, I doubt it, but I've thought about it repeatedly. I have really big dreams for myself, dreams I don't think I'll ever give up on and this story of my birth has incited a tendency I have to look for the big picture in the details. While this may give me a good deal of perspective, I sometimes miss what's right in front of me.

2) Earning a bachelor's degree at Carthage is comparable to what?

It's comparable to doing what's expected of me. I really hope my degree benefits me at some point, but after a great deal of retrospection, I wish I had realized I wanted to produce, sing and write music before I invested thousands upon thousands on a private school. I sense a follow-up question.

3) What is your major and what do you plan on using it for?

I chose Business Management as my focus, with a minor in music, because many music majors and friends of music majors warned me of the lack of opportunity with a music degree. I hope to use what I've learned to make this website a successful business, where the ideas are free and the merch is good enough to be paid for.

4) What's the most fun you've had singing a song?

The best I can do is tell you the most fun I've had singing lately. I got this instrumental from a YouTube user for the Blink-182 song "Feeling This". I challenge anyone to not get pumped while listening to that song. So my original plan was to do a straight cover for this song, but then I thought, "Why not see if one of the rappers I work with is "Feeling This"?" You see what I did there. It makes sense, since Blink-182 is famous for their combination of pop-punk riffs and Travis Barker's hip-hop beats. So I asked the one and Young Beezy to give it a listen. And he, like so many before him, got hooked on this song. So I started recording the chorus and bridge the other day and Beezy is currently writing some killer rhymes. Next question.

5) Butter side up or butter side down? Would you consider yourself to be an optimist or pessimist?

It's the whole toe-may-toe/toe-mah-toe disaster all over again. No one says toe-mah-toe and I don't believe anyone spreads butter on the bottom of a piece of toast. It's unnatural, and like with Conan O'Brien's hairstyle, it must reject gravity and you look like an asshole. Anyway, getting back to where the analogy was going, I am a pessimist for the present and an optimist for the future.

6) What do you look for in a girl?

When it comes to her personality and other such attributes, I'm really choosy, as I think everyone should be.  I like smart girls who don't completely know how smart they are. I also appreciate a girl who balances an open mind with a willingness to stand up for her beliefs. As far as appearance, I'm not really a dimensions kind of guy, although I'll size it up if it's there ;). But seriously, a pretty face is what gets me.

7) What's the one thing in this world that just blows your mind?

So many things blow my mind, which is not to say I'm easily impressed. But since the cruelty of this interview forces me to choose only one; I'm blown away by lyrics that describe or even elucidate your feelings about something at a certain time, almost as if the words are your own. It doesn't need to be an ornamental arrangement of words, just honesty to the core. Alright, short story time. Gather 'round. One afternoon, I was taking a break during an entire afternoon of choir practice. Carthage students know how killer these can be. I remember listening to Blink-182's "Asthenia" and Tom sang the lines: "This place is bored of rehearsal and sick of the boundaries. I miss you so much." I couldn't wait to get out of rehearsal that day and this song made me realize what was bothering me so much. I have this friend, one of my best at the time, and she hadn't been around in awhile. What I've gathered to be the original meaning of the song is actually not worlds apart from my personal application of the words. "Asthenia" was one of the last songs written by Blink for their self-titled record. This verse in particular was written to describe how much Tom and the rest of the band wanted to finish recording and see their families.

8) Would you rather have a vacation igloo, tiki hut, or (pest-free) jungle tree house?

I can't consider anything to do with an igloo a vacation. With the tiki hut and jungle tree house remaining (neither which is ideal, due to their level of flammability), I will choose the jungle tree house, as it is the only option guaranteed to be pest-free.

9) Are you more introverted or extroverted?

Introverted. No, extroverted. Indecisive.......final answer. I suppose I can't say extroverted, being it would be a complete misjudgment of my behavior. I'm not sure I can say introverted either. I've heard introverts find social situations mentally and emotionally draining while extroverts are energized by such situations. I definitely lean toward the latter, so I'm going to say "undercover extrovert".

10) Sell yourself in 10 words or less. Be arrogant. I'll allow it.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, right on


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