
Welcome one and all exclusively to Musings on Tap! Our doctrine is that all thought is free thought (we even share tea;)). Download at your leisure and be comforted that ideas will never die. The purpose is to incite thought and revolutionize ideas. We, the authors, yet never finishers, share different perspectives on life and so this blog will indeed be two-dimensional. Topics will be humorous and perhaps quite silly. Topics will be serious and perhaps quite morbid. Sentences will even contain unparalleled parallel structure. Oh and we cater:).

Monday, October 14, 2013

The MoT Top 10: The Twenty-Ninth

Top 10 Things that De Doesn't Like

As difficult as it was, I did my best to rank these from least to most disliked:

10) Bad puns (sorry Mi). Although almost completely arbitrary, my system for distinguishing good puns from bad employs one rule that has proven true: no pun that includes the word "pun" is worth saying. 

9) Liking/favoriting your own posts

A-Rod's true love

8) Hashtags in texts. Those who participate in this reprehensible activity clearly don't understand the hashtag's function. The occasional hashtag in a text as a joke, alright, but meaningless hashtagging has got to stop. Unfortunately, it may be too late; the hashtag disease has spread to spoken communication:

7) Selfies in which you can see the camera.

The real joke is on whoever made this. This is clearly an iPhone 4 or newer, which has a front-facing camera. 

6) Really bad/non-segues in a comedy routine:

"And I told my buddy, 'The aliens will never come back if you don't stop making up abduction stories........So I was chatting up this old lady at a Megadeth concert the other day'"

5) This might hurt to type: irregardless. It bothers me that Blogger didn't want to spell-check that. If you Google this nonword (that it spell-checks.....), the first definition you will see is "regardless". While I enjoy the hopefully satirical intent behind such a definition, I would prefer something along the lines of:

Your search - irregardless - did not match any documents.

  • Try regardless
  • Try regardless
  • Try fucking yourself

4) Things that can't be organized in a list format. Nice job idealized Google^.

3) Vanilla ice cream. What is so great about vanilla ice cream? Nothing, it's vanilla. By definition it has no special qualities; lacks distinction and is ordinary. Next.

2) "Expresso". This abomination ranks highly due to my recent hiring at Starbucks. It's astonishing how often "espresso" is mispronounced by customers and even partners.

1) The Oxford (serial) comma. Having a comma precede a linking word in series is annoying, redundant and useless. If you ever witness an oxford comma in a De-approved sentence.......I can't think of a punishment appropriately unpleasant enough for such a crime. Perhaps a lifetime sentence of oxford comma use ;)


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Russian Roulette

I am not even going to pretend I'm good at programming. However,  I will say that this project was fun to put together. I think VBS or Visual Basic Script is one of the easiest if not easiest programming languages to learn, so I made a program that simulates Russian Roulette. You enter how many players you want to play and then put in their names. The program will then randomly generate a number that will decide if the next person is dead or not. After it goes through every bullet (more guns/bullets) if playing with more than 6 people it will tell you if they died or not. At the end, it prints out all the survivors and all the dead. It was cool experimenting around with arrays and for loops, because it saves a lot of time and when it all works you feel like a wizard. Like I said I'm a novice.

There are some flaws in the program. For example, if you are playing with n>6 people the program plays as if it has a Ceiling(n/6)*6 chambered gun instead of Ceiling(n/6) 6 chambered guns. This slight variation might make a difference because the chances can be greater than or less than 1/6 (most importantly greater than) for a random distribution along the line. We can talk to Putin about how Russian Roulette works with n>6 people. Also, the way the code is setup is the player dies if the randomly generated number is < than n+1 bullets. And I had to make the number of chambers remaining go down accordingly. So, in a large n case we are able to see a uniform distribution of people dying. I am not sure why it doesn't print out all the names; perhaps there is a character limit. Here's to version 2.0!

'############################RUSSIAN ROULETTE##################################
msgbox "Welcome to Russian Roulette, the game of your life!"
count = inputbox("How many players?")

Function Ceil(x)
    If Round(x) = x Then
        Ceil = x
        Ceil = Round(x + 0.5)
    End If
End Function
'thank you random internet post for this ceiling function ^^

bullets = Cstr(ceil(count/6))
msgbox "You will be playing with "+ Cstr(ceil(count/6)) +" standard 6 chamber revolver(s)"
guns = ceil(count/6)
dim player()

for i = 1 to count
ReDim Preserve player(i)
player(Cstr(i))= inputbox("Please enter " + "Player "+ Cstr(i)+"'s name")
if player(Cstr(i))="" then
player(Cstr(i))="Player "+Cstr(i)
end if
if count > 1002 then
msgbox "This will surely be too tedious, Shirley."
i = count
count = 0
end if
aglom = aglom + player(i) + ", "

msgbox aglom + " this is it. This is Russian Roulette. Dun Dun Dunnnnn!"

for i = 1 to count
newchambers= chambers-(i-1)
'pickgun = CInt(Int((guns * Rnd()) + 1))
pick = CInt(Int((newchambers * Rnd()) + 1))
'msgbox Cstr(pick)+" bullets"+Cstr(bullets)
if pick < bullets+1 then
msgbox player(i)+ " is dead. BANG!"
aglommm=aglommm+" "+ player(i)+" "
if bullets= 0 then
for k = (i+1) to count
leftover= leftover +player(k)+" "
end if
msgbox "Click! "+ player(i)+" lives"
aglomm= aglomm+ player(i) + " "
end if
if bullets= 0 then
end if

msgbox "game over, congratulations to the survivors: " + aglomm + leftover
if aglommm <> "" then
msgbox "And" + aglommm+", not feeling so Russian, huh?"
end if

'###########################RUSSIAN ROULETTE###################################

To play this super fun violent game, just copy the above code into a notepad. Windows only, sorry. Then save the file as RussianRoulette.vbs. Or just make sure the file extension is .vbs
Next change "Save As Type" in the drop down to "All files"
Leave encoding as "ANSI"

Now find the file you saved and double click on it and it should run!

In the DeMi test trial, I unfortunately died. It was but a flesh-wound as I am all better now.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Random How To: Driving in India

Quite simply: Don't.

Otherwise if you enjoy harrowing experiences, near-death and otherwise, just follow this quick guide that will have you on or off the road in no time!

Lines Lines Lines

This Indian man said to me: 'Indians don't drive on the left or the right. They drive on what is left." A truer statement has never been uttered. If you are a Westerner, or are accustomed to 2 lane roads in general, you would take it as a general understanding that lanes and medians exist for a reason. In India, it is best that you treat these "lines" on the road as two-dimensional abstract art. The only reason that you are driving here as opposed to there is that there might be a 10 ton bus coming your way, there are trees larger than a sapling, or you don't plan on off-roading, because you find yourself without your Jeep.

Need to get there faster? No one is in the oncoming traffic "lane". No worries, just cruise down the shoulder/pedestrian walkway/construction zone lane for awhile. All others are clearly idiots for not thinking of this prime opportunity.

"Horn OK Please"

Truck drivers legitimately appreciate you alerting them with your horn. Hence this phrase.

Do you ever feel the irresistible urge to just lay on the horn for 10 seconds at a time? Wellll chief, in India, it is your right, and damn well expected. Like bats, most experienced drivers in India have a 6th sense-- echolocation. More useful than mirrors, you must learn to rely on your ears to know when someone is entering your blind spot. 

Is That Yo' Weave? How to 2 Wheel it in India

Mopeds and Motorcycles are highly popular in India. First off, if you can't fit your entire family on a motorcycle, you are clearly doing something wrong.
This is a family vehicle. Minivans are for yuppie moms.

Second, if you are on of these two wheeled motorized vehicles you have several advantages. You don't have to pay tolls. And the most notable advantage. Weaving. You can go to L.A. and think that the motorcycles there are ridiculous. But here, the motorcycles are going 2-3 deep between cars, buses and trucks. If there is a 1 foot gap, you damn right better go through or someone else will. In months you will learn how to navigate gridlocked traffic like a champ! Just remember to use your horn.

Stop lights? More like go lights!

Now we are getting to the finer nuances of Indian driving. A stoplight is ahead and the light looks red, but you can't really tell, because everyone else around you is apparently color deficient. These traffic lights are more of a game of momentum. Are there more cars going in your direction or are there more cars intersecting? Are you feeling lucky? Do you have a foghorn equipped in your boot? These are all careful considerations to take as you check out that intersection. The most important thing to consider is if you never go, you won't make it to the other side.

Attaining Your Drivers License

Yes you do need a driver's license to drive in India. Oh and interesting tidbit I'll throw in here that's only really important, but because they are an ex-British colony they drive on the left. Hope that's ok. 

To acquire your Indian's driver's license you pay about 300 Indian Rupees ($5) in processing fees, submit several passport photos of yourself or someone that looks like you, and allegedly take a test. Though from what I have heard is that all they do is take your money...Safe to say, I don't really want to drive in India.


Here are some more Random How To's that might interest you!
Interrogating Piranhas

Monday, September 23, 2013

The MoT Top 10: The Twenty-Eighth

General Hospital is the longest running American soap opera still in production and the third-longest running American drama. Wow, what interesting facts DeMi! (sarcastic excitement). Before we continue, it should be made clear that this Top 10 is not entirely about General Hospital. More fun facts: 12,987 episodes at 42 minutes each. It would take 376 days to watch every episode; longer still since it's still running. The point of this killer intro is if the writers of GH can continually recycle plot lines and revive deceased characters for over a year's worth of material, surely DeMi can bring back the Top 10.

Here are the Top 10 Things Younger Than General Hospital:

10) The Beatles in America

9) The NASDAQ exchange

8) Assassination of John F. Kennedy

7) MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech

6) The nanosecond - You couldn't have watched GH in nanoseconds, because you wouldn't have known what a nanosecond was

5) Our moms

4) The Clean Air Act

3) Women in space

2) Zip codes

1) Hepatitis-B vaccine - If a patient at General Hospital were diagnosed with Hep-B before 1980, they would be SOL.

Just Missed the Cut
Here are a few things that have been around slightly longer than GH:

Michael Jordan



The smiley face

This is the first smiley face design introduced to popular culture. That's right, the first fucking smiley. We only have content of the highest quality here at MoT.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The 13th Month

I haven't done any research on this, hell I don't even own a calendar. I know there are all sorts of calendars and what not, but I would like to propose the need for a 13th month.

How many weeks do we usually approximate in a month? 4? So how many weeks are there in three months? 12? wrong! After 3 months you lose on average 7 days. The insane part is that after just a year you will lose a month. Where is this 13 month? Where does it go? Why, it's at the end of every month of course. Except February, those days are always on strike. And after all 13*28 = 364.

It really makes sense to have each month except two have 28 days. February can have its damn leap year and then the months can take turns with the extra day. So every year is a hop year, every four years is a leap hop year, and every 12 years is a double leap year! And people, including myself, will just have to adopt new birthdays. I'll gladly take Sept 1st. That'd be wild.

This will solve many problems, such as a better approximation of tides, full moons, and menstruation cycles. Also, financial schedules and other calendars would be easier to keep track of.

Ok, just looked it up. Of course someone has thought of this. Apparently Eastman Kodak adopted the international fixed calendar until 1989, or so says Wikipedia.

But like most innovators, I will take this idea as my own. I now dub it.....The Beben Calendar. Don't worry, I'm pretty humble. I eliminated my own birthday.

Keep on musing on,


For those curious, today, the 10th of September would be the 28th of August, assuming a hop year with the hop being in January.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The 2013 Packers: Analysis and Predictions

The Packers finished with a healthy 11-5 record last year and could have done better. Many believe they threw the final game of the season against Minnesota and I find it really easy to buy into this theory. A loss to the Vikings in week 17 meant keeping the Bears out of the playoffs and avoiding another post-bye week blowout like the year before (20-37, Giants). This strategy didn't make much of a difference in the end; however, as the Packers won a playoff game they wouldn't have had to play against the Vikings the following week, then proceeded to be exposed by the Niners in the Divisional round. This means the Packers were essentially a 12-4 team, 13-3 if you consider the blown call by the replacement refs in the Seattle game. A 13-3 record with an average defense and under-performing offense........it's difficult to believe they won't have at least 13 wins this year.

The Packers have been reminded of a very important lesson these past couple of seasons; winning the Super Bowl is not about as much about talent as it is about matchups and momentum. 

By no means do the Packers have an easy schedule. In fact, they have the 6th strongest schedule, according to NFL.com (.533 SOS rating), based on the performances of their opponents in 2012. Their opponents include the Super Bowl champion Ravens, the NFC Conference champion 49ers and, of course, 6 games in what could be the toughest division in the NFL. Yet, the Packers have one major advantage: no back-to-back road games for the first time in decades. This will help them to avoid losing streaks and maintain positive momentum.

Improved Defense
The pass rush has to be better this year. With the return of Nick Perry and the addition of Datone Jones, the upgraded front 7 should be able to take some pressure off the secondary. Perhaps the biggest question mark for the defense is their ability to stop the read-option. They should be slightly less taken aback by it this year, as they have had all of the off-season, training camp and preseason to prepare. Also, they have an abundance of film from last year on how not to stop it. Perhaps the most important variable in the Packers' formula to counter the read-option is the play of MLB Brad Jones. He is replacing Desmond Bishop, who has proven to be a stout defender, in more than one sense of the word. While he is very effective against the run, he is far too slow for the QB spy role, which is necessary against the read-option. Brad Jones is the faster linebacker and should do a better job keeping contain on mobile quarterbacks.

Balanced Offense
Last year, when Aaron Rodgers was asked about the Packers' need to improve the running game, he responded, "Do we need to? I think this is a pass happy league, so I think it's got to start with the pass with us." Lately, however, he has acknowledged the greater need for a running game, both to neutralize the pass rush of opposing defenses and provide another dimension of play-making potential. 2nd round draft pick Eddie Lacy could give the Packers' what they only had a glimpse of last season with Cedric Benson: a strong power running game.

Improved Offensive Line?
Aaron Rodgers was the most sacked QB last season, so it's hard to imagine some progress won't be made by the offensive line in 2013. But I believe there is room for a good deal more optimism. The Packers made improving the offensive line a priority during this year's draft, without sacrificing picks in the early rounds and drafting guys too early. Brian Bulaga's season ending injury, though seemingly detrimental to the offense, may have very little effect on the overall performance of the line. Despite his elite potential, Bulaga gave a very inconsistent performance in 2012, allowing too many edge rushers to beat him. Also, he only played 9 games last year due to an injury that has since been reaggravated. This season, the Packers planned to have Bulaga start at left tackle, but Bulaga's injury has allowed rookie David Bakhtiari to take over on the blind side. Bakhtiari has impressed thus far in pass protection and could be a positive difference maker for the offense. My favorite change to the O-line is the moving of Josh Sitton from right guard to left guard, which allows him to help the rookie protect against the NFL's better pass rushers.

Bold Predictions
Since I did not make my Packers' Super Bowl win prediction public before the 2010-2011 season, few believed me after the fact. So, here are all of my predictions for this season:

Packers will dominate the NFC North and go 5-1 (Not the boldest of predictions, but all the new talent in this division will prove to provide very little meaningful resistance against the Packers.

Packers will go 14-2, losing only to the 49ers and once to the Lions (in Detroit of course).

Super Bowl: Packers over Broncos in a Super Bowl XXXII rematch (Someone may have to hold Elway back to keep him off the field)

Other Predictions Around the League
The Ravens will not repeat or even win the AFC North

The Bears will again miss the playoffs despite a strong regular season performance

The Seahawks and Cowboys will make-up the NFC Wildcard picture

The Colts and Ravens will earn the AFC Wildcard spots

Division winners:

AFC East - Patriots
AFC North - Bengals
AFC South - Texans
AFC West - Broncos

NFC East - Redskins
NFC North - Packers
NFC South - Falcons
NFC West - 49ers


Sunday, September 1, 2013

The MoT Top 10: The Twenty-Seventh

Mr. groom to be, Frank, asked me to compile a top 10 list of songs. As that was kinda vague I made the list to be the Top 10 songs he should have on his wedding playlist. For those that don't know I was roommates with Frank for all four years in college. So I would say I know his musical tastes pretty well.

Check it.

Top 10 Songs for Frank

Time of Your Life - Green Day

I like this one because it's a classic, cliche since it came out. However, Green Day was one of the bands that I played a lot our Freshman year- the year where Frank mostly listened to classic rock. Oh how that was soon to change.

Anna Sun - Walk the Moon

This is one of the songs Frank would just jam out to. Study break, or whatever this was a great stress reliever.  Lyrics probably aren't wedding appropriate, but it's upbeat and who cares.

Good for Great - Matt and Kim 

Pretty simple here. Matt and Kim is one of our (De excluded, but that's not important right now) favorite bands. This intro to this songs sounds pretty amazing played loud over Frank's studio monitors. Also Frank doesn't read books, another key lyrics to this song. "for late leave sleep" - our motto

Sleepyhead - Passion Pit

I think it was Sophomore year. This song was played..a lot. One time we stayed up til 5 a.m. binge writing a 10 page drama paper. This song was definitely a part of that.

My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up) - Fall Out Boy

Senior year. If Frank didn't have this song cranked when I got back to the room something was wrong. Minor hyperbole post-alert.

5 Years Time- Noah and the Whale

Another one of Frank's classic sing-along-songs. And it just leaves you feeling so happy.

Magic - B.o.B.

This song was a staple. Always trying to get the rap part right. Jamming out at soccer games. This one had a long lifespan. Also pro-friend proving alert. Frank if you still have that label I made you post it to the FB group.

Sail - Awolnation

Junior year spring break I spent the week at Frank's house. Going to play basketball, cruising around town, or driving 4 hours to accidentally find ourselves in South Carolina, this song was bumping

Daylight- Matt and Kim

This is the song that got us hooked on Matt and Kim. Awesome piano. Awesome music video. And so much energy doe. One of the few bands Frank introduced to me...ha I kid I kid. But damn this song was just the perfect song to unwind to at the end of the day.

Saturday Love - Angels and Airwaves

One of our favorite bands (De is finally included). The lyrics are really fun to sing. The feelings are real. It's AvA. I had to decide between this one and Surrender..if he didn't sing each of these a thousand times I'd be surprised. AvA was our choice of chill out/ study music, and the awesome part was that you could also crank it and sing along. 

0) Boom. Included

Thrift Shop - Macklemore

Because if it wasn't included it would be admitting to not knowing Mr. FJT. Admittedly, he was a thrift shop hipster. He showed me this song a good 4 months before it got more airplay than a good metaphor. I'll try harder next time, promise. He knew the words, and he would dance. Turn this song on and Frank (tried to) bec(o)ame Macklemore. It was quality entertainment. Especially for Taylor, right Taylor?

Top 10 Frank Verifiably Can Dance to Dance Songs 

1) Teach me how to dougie
Not actually verified
2) Party Rock Anthem 
Do the Spongebob
3) Rock That Beat - High Street Allstars
4) 2 Step
5) Walk it out 
Nope, this one's just me. Sorry.
6) Jerk
Frank told me in full confidentiality that he had a dream in which he jerked it. 
7) Moonwalk
There is a little Billy Jean in all of us.
8) Moving Like Bernie
His preferred dance move for Thrift Shop
9) Wobble
Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby
10) Yes
"Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal"

Congratulations to Frank and Taylor on their marriage this September 7th! I am pretty excited for them and know that they're going to be able to finally take that third wheel off and live on their own. Though you know guys, rent is a lot cheaper with more people...

-Mi though De is here in spirit. But not dead.

Friday, August 23, 2013

De's San Diego Vacation

Because of my extended absence from the blogospehere, I have returned with a Superblog! detailing my summer vacation (as you can see, we haven't had one of those in a while^). Sadly, this isn't your typical Superblog! with multiple authors, as Mi has been abducted by aliens and Ho's blogging career remains in a state of retirement.  

 My view from the plane

It had been far too long since my last vacation and longer still since I had been to California. My parents actually had the awesome idea of going to San Diego for a post-graduation, last family vacation. I saw this as an opportunity to explore some blink-182 past and present, as well as some other more touristy places. For those unaware, blink-182 was formed in Poway, CA, a suburb just outside of San Diego, the hometown of co-frontman Tom DeLonge and luckily enough, where my dad booked our hotel.

Sombrero Mexican Restaurant
Sombrero at 11040 Rancho Carmel Drive, San Diego

One of the spots I had to hit was a Mexican restaurant called Sombrero, made famous by the blink song "Josie". Mark and Tom of blink-182 used to frequent Sombrero between recording sessions and would often receive fan mail there. So, thanks to Yelp and this particular location's proximity to Poway, I determined this was the place. I asked an employee at the counter if they still receive blink fan mail, to which he replied, "Yeah, every once in a while". Nice.

The video below is part 3 of an MTV series called "The Road Home" which shows one of Tom and Mark's visits to Sombrero (sorry, the video will only play on YouTube through the title link). 

My California Burrito
Carne asada, cheese, pico de gallo, fries and yes, it's as good as it looks.

This location has clearly undergone some expansion over the last decade, but the blink-182 tribute in the bathroom (pictured below) cleared any confusion.

Fans' tribute to blink-182 in the bathroom

top half

bottom half
I wish I could say I had written something on the board, but I was sadly without a marker. Damn, I guess I'll have to go back.....

Sea World
Dolphin Encounter

One Shamu

Two Shamu
Mostly, Sea World blew. It wasn't at all as I remembered. Apart from being inanely overpriced, it was super crowded for a week day. Also, the Shamu "One World" propaganda show was really short and melodramatic. I felt like the orcae weren't the focus at all.

Macbeth Flagship Boutique
Macbeth store in Encinitas, CA

Tom DeLonge sat here

They don't call Macbeth a boutique to be fancy. This store is fucking small. I honestly believe they rented out the storage area of the adjacent store to create room for this one. But, since it is Macbeth's only physical store in the U.S., I had to check it out. Macbeth is a footwear, apparel and accessories company founded by Tom and Mark in 2002 (Mark later sold his stake in the company). Only a week before I arrived, the Macbeth Boutique hosted a party with a fan signing by Tom DeLonge and David Kennedy (Angels & Airwaves) as well as live performances by David Kennedy and Night Riots. I asked the one employee at the store about the party and in his words, "It was crazy". What sucks is the original plan was to leave the week before, meaning I would have party anecdotes to share. I know, I'm disappointed in me too. Please don't be mad. Here, look at some pretty pictures:

San Diego Safari Park

Lion and lioness (in truck)

Mission Beach, San Diego

Dem waves

Overall, it was one of the best trips I've had, despite the usual tension that goes along with family vacations. The weather was perfect every day. Also, it was really cool my aunt and cousin were able to drive down from L.A. and stay in the hotel with us for a few days. I hope to return to San Diego soon and on a much more permanent basis. I leave you with these incandescent words of wisdom:

"Everyone else but me surfs, I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore. I'll get hurt and die.....but if I die, I'll sell more records. We're thinking of doing that. Actually dying." (Tom DeLonge)


Friday, July 12, 2013

The MoT Top 10: The Twenty-Sixth

This week's Top 10 is brought to you by a good friend of ours and a long time member of the MoT Nation. We give you, El!

Top 10 Worst Ways to Hit on a Girl

Flirting can be fun and exciting, but the goal should always be not to completely creep out a girl.  Some of these may or may not be real experiences of mine…

10) Telling her she's a buttaface.

9) Pronouncing her name wrong

8) Trying to holla at a girl when she is with her dad

7) Drunken Facebook messaging like "wgasts up sedxy! Wannfa talkj dirtyu?"

6) Claiming to be 15 years younger and trying to go for the girl that is 20 years younger than you

5) With the line, "Hey girl, I'd love to see you lick a popsicle topless"

4) Creeping on the new girl at work and asking her out via e-mail

3) Asking a girl if she can smell steroids on you

2) Sending a Snapchat video of your junk to a girl you've never met

1) Spotting a cute girl at a store and following her to her car when she is alone and it is dark outside; asking her out will not only result in some version of "hell no", but she may be armed and ready to use some highly potent pepper spray.....


Sunday, June 16, 2013

The MoT Top 10: The Twenty-Fifth

Top 10 Best Ways to Die

Don't get too excited......The MoT Top 10 has returned!!

Hopefully unnecessary disclaimer: Please don't interpret this as a list of suggestions.

10) After defeating your mortal enemy

9) While saving someone else. It's the circle of life, it's circular, like a circle. Simba. Magic. Beautiful. All good things.

8) In a magic trick gone wrong; at least you had an audience/witnesses

7) In Call of Duty, revenge is only a respawn away

6) By firing squad, it doesn't take 7 rifles to kill one person, but it still looks badass

5) In a soap opera, you'll get to come back as your own long lost twin

4) Down with the ship. The Black Pearl

3) With a chilling catchphrase like, "I'll be back", but you won't.

2) After everyone else, you have just won life

1) Hard, and not from a Viagra overdose


Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Making of a MoT Top 10

Waaaaay back when DeMi used to write Top 10s on a weekly basis, we usually brainstormed over late-night phone conversations. The eleventh MoT Top 10, however, we discussed over Facebook instead. It is the creation of that Top 10 we would like to share. Below is the beginning of that conversation and the entirety of it is embedded as well as provided through a link to the same Google Doc.


april is gonna be the month to smash records brah
alright which top 10 do you wanna do?

I want to do.....
what are my options

the current one,
any other one you think of

not at the moment mon frere
we stopped doing the stick to the man one right

go to a bar order a cocktail on the rocks, finish it, take it outside and sell the melted ice to minors
do you have a good one for that?


ah lol
Top 10 Things Toddlers Don't Have to Worry About

shitting their pants

sucking tits


peeing on trees
yeah you're right

we can change it to babies

Easter is on Sunday
Top 10 Things Jesus Would Not Do

uh oh

Picket Funerals

1) Mary Magdelene

nice lol


easter bunnies

wear shoes


wear pants


speak in ebonics

catch only one fish


alright we're doing this one


New Top 10 coming this Sunday!

