
Welcome one and all exclusively to Musings on Tap! Our doctrine is that all thought is free thought (we even share tea;)). Download at your leisure and be comforted that ideas will never die. The purpose is to incite thought and revolutionize ideas. We, the authors, yet never finishers, share different perspectives on life and so this blog will indeed be two-dimensional. Topics will be humorous and perhaps quite silly. Topics will be serious and perhaps quite morbid. Sentences will even contain unparalleled parallel structure. Oh and we cater:).

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The MoT 10: The Tenth

Top 10 Things to Do on April Fool's Day

10) Yell at your boss. Let him or her know what a shitty job they are doing as a supervisor and a person. Be as specific as possible. Then quit. Bookend it, of course, with an "April Fool's"

9) In church, stand up, and proclaim "YOU ARE ALL FOOL'S, APRIL FOOL'S, HAR HAR HAR HAR", leave.

8) Masturbate in the bathroom, come outside, and tell onlookers "April Fool's".

7) Sit down with your parents. Gently break the news to them that you are dying. Then say "Just kidding, I thought that would make it easier to tell you..... I'm gay". And before they break out into tears, relieve them with an "April Fool's".

6) Smash an egg on someone's head. When they get mad ask them why they're not in the spirit.

5) Pull the ol' door wedge in revolving door trick.

4) When walking in a large group of people, wait until somebody passes your group and then point and look at the sky in unison. Try to see how long you can confuse the person. Similarly, when walking along, avoid arbitrary points on the ground with gasps and obviously overt, outward (redundancy is forgiven with alliteration) fear in hopes the person behind you blindly follows suit.

3) Carry a baggy with a non-descript white powder in it, scratch your nose often.

2)Introduce yourself as the esteemed so and so.

"I am the esteemed Dauphin of Thailand"

"I am the esteemed Head of Broccoli"

"I am the esteemed Duchess of Holland"

"I am the esteemed feelings of Jack"

1) Tell your good friend that they still haven't figured out your joke from last year, and that it's both pathetic and hilarious. The more people in on this the better.

"So Mom...do you know about this prank of Mi's?"

*hysterical laughter* *shifty eyes*

"Nooo Mom, not you too!"


P.S We have postponed April Fool's day until Further Notice.

P.P.S Further Notice Fool's!

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